Graphic Designer Wanted. Design and create graphics for weekly newspaper.
University degree in communication art or design necesarry,plus one year
job -related experience.Familiarity with publishing helpful.Applicants should also
posses knowledge of current trends in technology.Send resume by
July 5 to Bettey Kang,Computer Times Weekly 225 Camble St.,

DEar Ms. Kang
I am writing in response to your advertisement for a graphic designer
that appeard in  the May 30 issue of the BC Bulliten I believe
I am very qualified for this position. As you will see from my attached
resume,I have a colledge degree in communication design and have
worked as agraphic designer in Los Angels for the past two years.
I will be relocating to the Vancouver area on August 1 and I am
available  for employment from that time.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additioal information
I will be happy to supply references and to submit a portfolio of my designs.