This is Jim Johnson with Travel Talk.It's summer and it's vacation time.For some people,this means long hours in a car and on the highway.
Here are some tips to help you stay safe while on the road.First the Do's やらなきゃいけないこと if you are traveling with more than one driver ,try to switch drivers occasionally so that you don't spend too much time behind the wheel ハンドルを握って Remember to stop frequently and take a break. Make sure you know the signs of drowsiness眠気の兆候を察知するのもお忘れなく.Missing road signs,difficulty focusing 焦点を会わすことが難しい and yawning.Now the Don'ts.Don't count on distractions眠気をさます気晴らし such as the
radio ,or an open window to keep you awake .And even though a cup of coffee might give you a lift 人を愉快な気分にする Remember that the effects of caffeine wear off徐々に効果がなくなる after a short time.
Finally ,don't drive between midnight and morning.Tune in again tomorrow when we'll talk about vacation destinations that both adults and children will enjoy.