
津軽三味線、箏(琴)、沖縄三線を 演奏する、 三味線弾きシシド(小山貢山)のブログ。茶道、合気道もたしなむ日本文化体験&発信記。


toeic dictation February 20th

We're pleased to announce that  the company will be opening its very own わが社専用の
cafeteria for employees next month. Now if you forget to bring your lunch to work,
you won't have to leave the building to get a delicious and nutritious lunch.
The cafeteria will feature sandwitches,soups and hot entreesアーントレーズ メインの料理
at reasonable prices.Salads,snacks , coffee , tea  and soda 炭酸飲料 will also
be available.Each week, on Monday morning the chef will post the menu on the
bulliten borad near the entrance.Our growth in the industry this year has allowed
us to make this much needed念願だった improvement to our work environment.

toeic dictation February 18th

In today's business news,it has been reported that Jane Parsons,president of the Star Company, will retire next year.Ms.Parsons' skill and coopreate connections help to build the star company into a large business employing hudreds of people in our region,although Ms. Parsons is leaving her job as president,she will continue as a consultant for the company.Star company executive say the searh for the next president is underway.

Welcome to this years national tennis championship tournament.
we are pleased that you will be here throughout the week to cover 報道する the championship matches.Remember that you are required to wear and display your press identification cards at all times.this promises to be an exciting and historic week.Following the play each day,毎日試合終了後Selected players will be brought to the media center where all of you will have an opportunity to ask questions in the interview area.in consideration of思いやって both players and fellow members of the media.we ask that you kindly turn off all mobile phones and pagers in the interview area.When you are called upon指名されましたら please wait for a microphone to be handed to you befor asking your question Now I'm pleased to welcome Sergio Padova ,last years champion.He'll talk about this year's tournament and answer questions.

toeic dication February 17th

Thanks for coming to our staff meeting today.
It is with great pride that I announce that our mobile telephone coverage area
has grown.We have tripled the area we serve and now able to provide service
to the entire region.I know that you have all worked very hard and I want
to thank you for your great efforts and many hours you put in so that  this
could happen.実現を目指して Already our revenue has increased by
30% to cereblate our achievement , and to show our appreciation,
we will be having a company picnic in memorial park on Saturday.
Your families are welcome to join us. There will be games and lots
of great food.I hope you can all come to the picnic.

toeic dicatation February 14th記事タイトル

Hello ,Juan (h)wan This is Helen Luna at Magnum Heating supplies
I'll be going over our customer records and I see that you currently use
our model 200型 filters for your heating sytems.
I'm just calling to ask. Have you considered  upgrading to the model
201 filters?I guess it's a possiblity.その可能性はある
but the 200's seem to be doing the job just fine for us.
Well the reason I  ask is that for the next 90 days the model
201 filters will be on sale for the same price as the model 200's
you are using now.So this would be a good time to chage to a newer model.
Hmm, let me talk about it with our maintenance staff and see what they think

Have you finished putting together 作り上げるthat advertisement yet?
We really need to run it in the next couple of days.
I've just got a couple of questions for you about it.
I listed two job openings for reporters記者
Is there anything else?we need to advertise for another assistant,too.
for clerical support.事務仕事We haven't had enough help lately.最近人手が足りない
And reporters need to send us writing samples right?書いたもののサンプル
You know, given the current job market. I' m very optimistic about who we'll get.いい人が見つかる

placement office 就職課
clerical work 事務作業

toeic dication February 13th

hey ,you made it.あら、やっときたわね  How was your flight.
Terrible. We sat in the plane for three hours while they looked for the
different pilot.It turned out that our captain had exceeded the maximum
flying hours allowed for one shift.I'm surprised they didn't know that before
letting the passengers board the plane.客を乗せる前に気づかないなんて
That's what the womane sitting next to me was saying.She said
she was going to call the airline and tell them how dissatisfied she was.

Hi Steve, I was wondering if you would like to play volleyball with us
on Saturday afternoon, Uh, it sounds like fun,but i have to tell you.
I'm really out of shape.体がなまって
I'm afraid I'M not much of an athlete these days.大したスポーツマンじゃない
All right. we just play to socialize.交際する
have some fun and get a little exercise. Don't worrry about it.
We're not professsionals.We'd love to have you on the team.
And we really could use you on Saturday 是非出てもらえたらと思って
One of our players was injured during the last game.
IN that case then, I'll see you at the gym.

toeic dication 2016 February 12th

Have you made arragements to attend the
sales conference in London?

Sort of.I've registered to attend the conference
but I haven't booked room yet.

You should really do that soon.
I made my reservations last week,and
the conference会場周辺のホテル hotels are already full.
I'm staying several miles from the convention center.

Well if I can't my hotel room I'll just stay with my brother-in-law.
He has an apartment downtown.

your order for office party Tuesday afternoon should be ready on Tuesday morning.
Great. but i'd like to pick it up on Monday if that's ok.I'll be busy with clients on Tuesday morning.

I'd advise against that,the food won't stay fresh.We could deliver the food to your office
on Tuesday morning if you'd like. It's really much better if it's fresh.作りたての方が
that would be a great help.thank you.

Hi Carol, do you have a moment? I wanted to talk to you about the group of employees
that will be visiting us from our Manchester office next week.
Yes, I remember you are mentioning their visit.
You need a meeting room reserverd for the morning right?午前中予約したいんでしょ?
That's right. Couldyou please do that today? Of course. I'd be happy to.
I could make arrangements for lunch to be brough in as well.

toeic dictation feb 9th

hi mary, have you decided to stay with us anothet year? i dont think i will. im tring to get a job at a different school for next year.you are?really? i thought you likeed it here. i do like it here. this is a great school and ill hate to leave.. but i really prefer to teach younger chikdren

toeic dictation February 8th

Why don't  I give you my mobile phone number?~しましょうか?
I didn’t take it.
There are too many already.
That'd be great.

Would you rather stay late tonight or come in early tomorrow to finish the job?
Yes, the job is finished.
I'll be in early tomorrow morning.
I don't want to be late.

Would you like some help with that box?その箱を運ぶのを手伝いましょうか?
I can manage , thanks.
Not the top, the bottom.
Sure , I'll help you.

Why didn't you tell us you studied accouting?
I never actually finished my degree.学位は取らなかったので。
The accountant is behind schedule.
NO,studying in the library.

It's unconforbly warm in  here today.
Yes,I can come here on Tuesday/
You can warm it in the oven.
It's been hot all week.一週間暑い日が続いています。

toeic dictation February 7th 2016

Who's in charge of making director's部長の travel arrangements?
That's handled by his secretary.
Use the corporate credit card to pay.
The travel department called about the charges.支払い

Will you be needing anything else,sir?丁寧な表現のひとつ。
sorry, I didn't.
yes you'll need this
I'd like a glass of water,please.

Do you remember where we met before?
Not until next week.
Last year, at a conference.
Yes, put it on the shelf.棚においてください。

This is the room design Mr.Yem chose,isn't it?
No, he liked the other one.
sorry , i didn't see the sign.張り紙
The last show was at 4 o'clock

Can you assist Mr.Jackson with this project or
do you have to go to the meeting.
Yes, It was very helpful.
I met him at the party.
I'm free all afternoon.

Student from canada

Student from canada




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