
津軽三味線、箏(琴)、沖縄三線を 演奏する、 三味線弾きシシド(小山貢山)のブログ。茶道、合気道もたしなむ日本文化体験&発信記。


toeic reading February 29th

To all Staff
From Norma Ngyuen product development team
Date May 13
Re Request for new product ideas

I would like to announce that a product -development team has
bee formed to review new product ideas for personal-care products.
We strongly encourage you to submit any ideas you have for new
products. One advantage of submitting your ideas through the team
is that we make your participation in the development of the product
possible giving you valuable insights intot the deverlopment process as
a whole . The team has created on idea submission guide
which outlines the kind of information necessary for the team to
review our new product idea,offer you feedback,and move your
idea forward toward implementation. please conatact me if you
would like me to send you a copy of the guide.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the team.
if you have questions about the new product -submission procedures.
We look forward to you participation.

I have little experience in the area o developing personal-care products,
but I have  been thinking about the potential of a hair-care product like fo men that
might interest the product-development team Please forward a copy of the idea submission
guide to me . In addtion, I would like to talk with you to make sure this is  hte
type of product you team is interested in developing. please contact me at
extention 553 at your earliest convenience.


長年続けてきた カルチャーセンターや、音楽教室を全て引き払って、自宅一本で教えることにしました。





土曜日つぶれて千葉まで行って 交通費さえ出ない 、






















toeic reading Febururay 27th 記事タイトル

Graphic Designer Wanted. Design and create graphics for weekly newspaper.
University degree in communication art or design necesarry,plus one year
job -related experience.Familiarity with publishing helpful.Applicants should also
posses knowledge of current trends in technology.Send resume by
July 5 to Bettey Kang,Computer Times Weekly 225 Camble St.,

DEar Ms. Kang
I am writing in response to your advertisement for a graphic designer
that appeard in  the May 30 issue of the BC Bulliten I believe
I am very qualified for this position. As you will see from my attached
resume,I have a colledge degree in communication design and have
worked as agraphic designer in Los Angels for the past two years.
I will be relocating to the Vancouver area on August 1 and I am
available  for employment from that time.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additioal information
I will be happy to supply references and to submit a portfolio of my designs.

toeic dictation February26th 2016

Nearly everyday we're reminded to get more exercise but this
can be hard to do with the hectic lifestyles we have today.
Multi-tasking , doing two or more things at  the same time,
is now a common theme in the workplace.so, why not
trying combing your daily commute with the good aerobic workout?
Cycling is the great way of doing just that.And you can
get to work just as quickly as you can by car from most journeys
under five miles.And you don't have to pay for parking.
As part of national bike week,Our cycle form is holding a
bike riders breackfast on Thursday, July 16th, in front of the Collins
buidling.If you can show that you arrived at work by bike,
There will be free coffee,orange juice, fruit and yogurt awaiting you.

toeic dictation February 25th 2016

Tronto is one of the largest cities in Canada.It is loacated in the province of Ontario.A special feature of Tronto is the downtown area. Covering about 12 square kilometers where many shops and buildings are located underground.There are five major shopping centers and convention center with hotels.A subway and underground passageways connect these buildings with each other and the streets above.The architectual design is appropriate(気候に)ふさわしい and popular because of the weather conditions in Tronto.The temparture flactuates 変動するwidely from summer to winter.by as much as 40 degrees 40度も Celcius within a year.This underground area has also help to keep business in the city center,企業が中心部にとどまっています instead of moving out to the suburbs which is happening in many other cities.We thinks that makes Tronto a special place.

toeic dictation February 24th 2016

AT the request of the museum president,our firm of architects,Brown &Sons,
has been asked to prepare an assessment of the museum facility.
I have been named the lead architect.
We understand that serious problems have led to 〜へ導くthe current situation
at the museum。The museum builiding is one hundred years old.
It has not been properly taken care of .and it  needs a lot of work.
Everything from the foundation建物の 基礎 to the heating sytem
will have to be restored and repaired.It will be expensive,
but the work must be done for museum to last another 100 years.
Now I'm going to describe all of the problems in detail.
Then I'll explain the work that needs to be done.
and how we will do it.


takanawatosyokan2016-2takanawatosyokan2016performance with two minyo players
I played oyama style jongara, chikuzan style jongara, yoshida brothers song,and koto session song.

高輪図書館 公演では、三味線と琴、尺八でセッションしました!






toeic dictation February 23rd

Welcome to Jason Industries' new employee orientation.
My name is Wendy Cho,and I will be spending about 30 minutes
introducing you to the schedule for this week's training.
At 10:30,we will take a brief break,and then Karen Maitland
from personnel and benefits office人事・福利厚生課 will
go over the forms in your packet and answer questions you may have
 about company policies.Karen has been with the company since
it was started and has lots of information to share with you.
Lunch will be provided from 12 noon to 1 o'clock.
In the afternoon,we'll satart with a n excellent video about
the history of Jason Industries. Following  the video at 3:30,
we will break up into  groups by the department you'll be working in,
and you will meet your group trainers your technical training will
begin tomorrow.Your trainers will explain where and when to meet
and give you any materials you will need to get started.

toeic dictation February 22th 2016

Thank you all for coming to this meeting on such short notice,as you know,
our lease on this building is due to expire at the end of the year,and
I've been looking and looking for new premises.I searched everywhere, but
I just couldn't find any place to much our current location.
We've been here for over 15 years now and Barker's Books has been
become a institution おなじみの物.Being so close to the university,
we have the perfect location.So imagine my relief when I heard by chance
that the shoe store across the road from us is moving out to the new
shopping center.I contacted the property manager不動産会社 straight away.
And I've secured 確保する a two-year lease from January 1 on that space with only
a modest 小幅の上昇increase in rent.We've got a lot of work ahead of us with the move 移転作業
but I'm sure we can handle it.

toeic dictation February 21st 2016

This is Jim Johnson with Travel Talk.It's summer and it's vacation time.For some people,this means long hours in a car and on the highway.
Here are some tips to help you stay safe while on the road.First the Do's やらなきゃいけないこと if you are traveling with more than one driver ,try to switch drivers occasionally so that you don't spend too much time behind the wheel ハンドルを握って Remember to stop frequently and take a break. Make sure you know the signs of drowsiness眠気の兆候を察知するのもお忘れなく.Missing road signs,difficulty focusing 焦点を会わすことが難しい and yawning.Now the Don'ts.Don't count on distractions眠気をさます気晴らし such as the
radio ,or an open window to keep you awake .And even though a cup of coffee might give you a lift 人を愉快な気分にする Remember that the effects of caffeine wear off徐々に効果がなくなる after a short time.
Finally ,don't drive between midnight and morning.Tune in again tomorrow when we'll talk about vacation destinations that both adults and children will enjoy.




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