
津軽三味線、箏(琴)、沖縄三線を 演奏する、 三味線弾きシシド(小山貢山)のブログ。茶道、合気道もたしなむ日本文化体験&発信記。


business English in Action Jan 31st 2016

There is a chair next to the beds.
There are no pillows on the bed.
There is a stack of 沢山のthe sheets
There is a pitcure above the beds.

The handrails are being polished.
The people are seated on the steps.
The people are going up to the next floor.
The workers are cleaning the walkway.通路

The man is throwing away some posters.
A picture is being hung on the wall.
The man is reaching down 下の方にてを伸ばしているto pick up some tape.
A railing has been placed along the street.道に沿ってガードレールが設置されている

She is stapling some documents together.
She is doing some paper work.デスクワークをしている
She's looking over her shoulder.
She is riding to the office.オフィスに向かって乗り物に

toeic dictation January 30th 2016

The signs are being painted.
The building is under construction.
The byciclists 自転車に乗った人are riding though 通り抜けるthe streets.
Some cars are parked on the street.

They're waiting in line together.
They're playing a game outdoors.
They're sitting at the dentist's office.
They're opening the gate.

A man is fishing from the shore.
The beach is crowded with swimmers.
The fishermen are pulling in their nets.
The man is cooking a fish.

The woman has left her seat.席をはずしている
The men are leaning across the table.テーブルに身を乗り出している
There is a pair of sunglasses on the table.
The woman is putting some flowers in a vase.


Performance at takenotsuka community center with my students. We will play march 18th next year.竹の塚地域センターでの生徒さんとの獅子道公演。来年の3月18日に再演が決定しました。

toeic dication 2016 29th

Hi,everyone, my name is Brian Collins and I work for Seletron Tools,a family firm ,based in
Melbourne.We make kitchen utensils of the finest quality and offer them to buyers like you,
so that  you can sell them in your  high-quality retail stores.Our products are handcrafted
to be as beutiful as they are functinal 機能的と同じ様に美しくある為、
They are also guaranteed for life if they ever need repair.In countries where
they have been introduced 既に導入している国では they are extremely popular with
the most discrimating目が利く customers.As a result,we're going to be offering our
products to retail stores in additional countries 他の国 Moreover, we're  adding
a cutom order line特別注文.You orde set of knives for example,and you choose
how you want to customize them.Have your family name engraved,
choose what type of handles you want,and so on. I think you'll be happy to
place an order for your retails store with us,once I've shown you some
of our products,わが社の商品を一度ご覧いただければ、you can always
send them back for a full refund if you are not delighted with your sales.

toeic dication january 28th

thank you for coming here today.i hope you are all enojoying the lunch.as you know, we're here to celebrate mr. kim who is retiring after 37 years with new star cooperation ,when started here as an inexperinced university graduate,he had no idea that he would be president of the company one day ,but he never stop trying to improve things with great perdistence.he never gave up.he worked his way up 一歩ずつ前進し、to the company'sleader.even in this last year of gis srevice to new star,mr. kim initiated a
market research study to reevaluate our company's performance ,and ensure its continued profitability ,on a very personal level,i believe mr. kim has inspired each one of us with his wisdom,fairness,empathy思いやりtowards all staff from board members our nwest recruits.plase joun me in wishing mr.kim a fond 素敵なfarewell 送別会


When did you experience Shamisen awakening?
'I was awake  at 8am in the morning.'


your music is for what?

music has various aspects. some people do music for merely enojoying ,and the other do music for coveying one's message.i want to be latter.

Toeic dictation January 25th 2016

We're very happy to welcome you to the historic city of Brandford and have you
join us one of our tours today.Entire trip will take most of the afternoon.We'll
start with the fairly short tour of the city center ares,driving by the main
landmarks there,and that will take about half an hour or so. You'll see the city's
distinctive architechture ,dating back to the late 18th cetntury,will stop briefly
at the government building官庁舎 before leaving the city center.Then after
we leave the city,we'll cross one of the oldest supension bridges in the world.
We'll proceed to the national musium of art,then to highly regarded weather

business English in Action Jan 24th 2016

I'd like to start out by telling you how much I appreciate the torophy and recognition功労を認めること、評価 it signifies.意味する I have been J&B limited since the beginning when Jeff and I were just a couple of guys working in a rented garage.We've gone from producing and selling audio recordings of local musicians to being one of the nation's largest and most resected providers of quality 高品質のentertainment products.We now produce and distribute everything from music to movies and video games.and while I appreciate the honor you're bestowing与える on me this evening I want to stress that my success would not have been impossible without hardworking and dedication of my wonderful collegues.Many of whom are here tonight.With our sucess as a company has come responsibity 責任を果たす to our industry,to our community and most of all,our customer who have contributed to support and purchase our product.I'm looking forward to many more happy years,with J&B Limited.
We've gone from

We now produces



toeic dication Janaury 24th 2016

Hi Ms.Roberts,this is William from the Victoria Theater.I wanted to give you an
update on your group reservation.I've booked 40 tickets for your group to see the
musical Running Away next Thursday. As we discussed,you 've received a 25% discount
because of your size of group.You'll find the seat number at the bottom of each ticket.
They're very good seats in the center , close to the stage.Now, as part of our
special group promotion as I explained.All of you will be ablet to meet the actors after the
show to ask questions and get autographs.Just rememer that these seats cannot be changed
and the tickets cannnot be returned.




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