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business English in Action Nov 12th

But are they for real?本当なのでしょうか?Isn't there the risk that people will see these campaign as cynical人に漬け込んだ利己的な marketing ploys戦略 and tuggins their heart and perth strings.心の琴線と財布の紐に訴える Well, Wendy is the expert on this subject.I've asked her to explain why some causeコーズ marketing campaign work better than others.What kinds of metrics評価基準 are you talking about?
Cause marketing can push up the brands sales by sayおよそ 10% Now I admit that's not a huge amount but when your partner with a charity 慈善団体のパートナーになるとpeople have a better image of the brand.And that can have a good result in the long run.Yes, the research I've seen shows that cause marketing works better than the sales promotions or sponsorship in getting comsumers to respond positively to brands.But of course, a charity on the product or service have to be a good fit 見あった Besides bringing in more money,資金をもっと呼びこぶことのほかに How does this type of campaign help charitable orgnization慈善団体  It can do a lot to raise a public profile of a charity .注目度をあげるために、大きく貢献することができます。Most of them have small marketing budgets and couldn't possibly get the same amount of exporure on their own.








梱包した状態で 12キロ40cm196cm22cm でした。






第6回貢山会おさらい会 日本文化の祭典より

business English in Action Oct 26th

Folks, I'd like you to meet Wendy Norris,CEO of Norris Associates.Wendy has been developing cause-realted 社会的な理想 partnerships between companies and charities for close to 20 years .It's a pleasure to meet you Wendy.I've heard nothing but good things and work you do.The pleasure is mine,Bill.I'm a loyal 愛用する H&B customer from way back 長年As you know , H&B works with several NPO's active in area such as literacy 読み書き能力 and breast cancer.We want to explore other partnership opportunties in cause-related marketing.So without we've asked Wendy to help point us in the right direction.Thank you Kay. Cause related marketing or cause marketing as it's also known, can be a combination of good business and good works.when it's done right.It can help charities deal with social or environmental problems. and add value to a business at the same time.Wendy,I'm very interested in how companies and charities collaborate to their mutual benefit.So ams I. When I scan the shelves at my local supermarkets I see all sorts of product labels claiming to support this or that あれやこれや good cause.慈善活動

business English in Action Oct 26th

Well then , what' the real reason for the decline of American shopping mall culture.One school of thought ある特定の考えを持つグループhold that the real reason malls are fading from Americans scene is that there are simply too many of them.The U.S has more retail space per capita than any other country.I've read the reports about malls that are only good for being used as sets for horror movies.I think mall operators have to adapt to changing marketing condtitions if they want to survive.I hear that an increasing number of developers are moving away from standard mall model.They are going for mixed use complexes that often feature outdoor green space.That make sense.I get the feeling that American comsumers are looking for a different kind of shopping experience.So what will happen to the so called ghost malls that we're seeing sprout uo across America.Most of them are being turned into office space,some are being converted centers ,churches or even schools and universities.Not too many are used as sets for horror movies ,I'M happy to report.




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