March 5 The Lesaux Valley Department of Transportation has announced that the Haper Bridge Rehabiliation project will begin on March 12. As of that date, Acadia street will be closed to all vehicular traffic Reilly Boulverd to Kampinsky Avenue. However,pedestrian access to the establishments on Acadia Street will remain open.

The main objective of the project is to overhaul the landmark the harper bridge, which is in need of major repairs. Acadia Street will also be resurfaced. Other improvements include new curbs and wider walkways.

The project is scheduled for completion by October 1

Where would the article most likely to appear?

In a travel guide
In a local newspaper
In an architecutre journal
In a construction magazine.

What are readers advised to do?

Visit the landmark Haper Bridge
Call businesses for opening hours
Consider alternative pathway designs
Approach Acadia Street on foot
What is not mentioned in the article
Repairs to Bridge
The installation of a traffic light
The repaving of a road
Upgrades to a walkway