Malls that cater to 要求に応える well off consumers are doing just fine.But that's not the case with those that have middle class and lower income customer basis. I read somewhere that the showrooming may have played a role in the downfall 衰退 of the traditional shoppin mall.Do you folks buy that?皆さんも同意しますか?When online shoppings took off人気がでる and smartphones became ubiquitous,showrooming became an accepted許容される part of comsumer behavior,More and more people use their smartphones to comparison-shop比較購入する in stores.But brick and motar 従来型のretailers fought back応戦しました proactively.先手を売ってThey work hard to improve customer service and offered product giveaway 無料のサンプルAnd they realize that the best way to deal with showrooming challenge難題was to integrate their online and instore operations.Comsumers wanted same prices and product available on both platforms We should also note that online shopping st ill account for less than 10% of all retailer services.It's the big box retailers that have been hardest hit by Internet shopping.Fashion stores and other specialty retailers that you often find in malls arena't doing so badly.